In the AD module for PS there’s an easy cmdlet that allow us to check the groups a user is member of. We’re talking about Get-ADPrincipalGroupMemberShip. Let’s check the sintaxis: Interpreting the sintaxis, we are able to conclude the following: Because “-Identity” parameter and value “<ADPrincipal>” aren’t enclosed in square brackets we know is mandatory. […]
Keep your Ubuntu Server tasks running with Screen
Sometimes it can be useful to leave your server working on a task in case you need to disconnect yourself from it. With screen we can create and resume sessions easily. To install screen on Ubuntu, type the following command: Is always a good idea to update the local package list from your server by […]
Remote port forwarding with SSH
Let’s say you are developing an application in your computer, and you want others to see it. For that, you first host the app locally making it accessible from localhost. Then, you wonder what you can do to share it with people outside of your network. Remote port forwarding SSH can solve this problem. In […]
Get the hash value of a file with PowerShell
Sometimes is useful to be able to look for the hash value of a file without using third party software. Since PowerShell comes installed by default with Windows and it has an specific cmdlet for this purpose, this process can be very simple. Using Get-FileHash cmdlet This cmdlet, according to Microsoft Documentation, “Computes the hash […]
Fixing MS Teams slowness, lag or inability to send messages
This article will work for you if your installation of MS Teams is suffering at least one of the following symptoms: lag, media not loading, inability to send text messages or files (such as images) or weird behaviors like parts missing from the interface or similar. First steps A bad or inestable network connection can […]
Add several users to an AD group with PowerShell
If you use the Active Directory Module for PowerShell, we’re going to review a couple of simple applications of the ADGroupMember cmdlet. This article will work for you if you need to add one or several users to the same AD group. Using Add-ADGroupMember cmdlet To start using this cmdlet, you can copy and paste […]