ConvertTo-HTML allows to add all kind of different elements into an HTML file. HTML files have a simple structure that usually include a head and a body. Those elements can be modified with ConvertTo-HTML parameters. Let us check the syntax of this cmdlet first (this cmdlet has two sets of parameters, we are using the […]
Add one or more users to one or more security groups in Active Directory
I have covered this topic in a previous post, but in that occasion I only explained how to add one or more users to a single group. Sometimes you have different requirements, and it could be useful to be able to add one or more users to one or more groups with the same script. […]
Custom columns and table entries with Format-Table
Sometimes objects in PS don’t have a descriptive property name or the information of an object could use a little bit of formatting to better fit our purposes. Take for example the VirtualMemorySize64 property of the processes running on Windows: That’s a big number. We can dig a bit further to check its type to […]
Checking and comparing user AD group membership
In the AD module for PS there’s an easy cmdlet that allow us to check the groups a user is member of. We’re talking about Get-ADPrincipalGroupMemberShip. Let’s check the sintaxis: Interpreting the sintaxis, we are able to conclude the following: Because “-Identity” parameter and value “<ADPrincipal>” aren’t enclosed in square brackets we know is mandatory. […]
Add several users to an AD group with PowerShell
If you use the Active Directory Module for PowerShell, we’re going to review a couple of simple applications of the ADGroupMember cmdlet. This article will work for you if you need to add one or several users to the same AD group. Using Add-ADGroupMember cmdlet To start using this cmdlet, you can copy and paste […]